Still Have a Double Chin After Weight Loss? Ditch It With SculpSure

Are you bothered by your double chin? You’re not alone. Some 67% of people responding to a survey conducted by the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery said they were somewhat or extremely bothered by the extra fat under their chin.

Those surveyed were more bothered by their double chin than the lines and wrinkles between their eyebrows, on their forehead, and around their mouth and cheeks. Getting rid of the fat under your chin can be difficult, even after weight loss.

At the Institute for Health Management Aesthetics in Petaluma, California, our aesthetic specialist, Dr. David Chappell, wants you to know that we can help you get rid of your double chin and improve your profile with our nonsurgical body contouring tool SculpSure®.

The stubborn submental fat

Maybe your diet and exercise program has paid off and you’re finally at your goal weight, but your facial features seem to say otherwise. You may refer to it as your double chin or turkey neck, but the extra fat under your chin is medically known as submental fullness.

Whatever you call it, you may find it one of the most stubborn pockets of fat on your body, and it can make you appear overweight even if you’re in the best shape of your life. The extra fullness under your chin may be due to your genetics, part of your aging process, or simply serve as a constant reminder of the extra weight you used to carry.

No matter the cause, this area of fat can be difficult to lose, no matter how carefully you eat or how much you work out. But we can improve your profile so your chin looks like the rest of your trim body with our chin contouring tool, SculpSure.

WarmScultping™ with SculpSure

WarmSculpting with SculpSure is a noninvasive body contouring tool that uses light-based energy to destroy the stubborn fat cells under your chin and give you that slimmer profile. The body contouring tools heat those fat cells, disrupting the integrity of the cells without affecting your skin.

Your body then absorbs and discards the damaged fat cells slowly over time. With our SculpSure device, we can destroy up to 24% of the fat cells under your chin after one session.

Treatment for your double chin takes only 25 minutes, and you don’t need to make any changes in your usual activities after your session. WarmSculpting with SculpSure is also painless. In fact, to make your session as comfortable as possible, we use a cooling device while we gently heat and destroy your submental fat.

Sleeker profile in weeks

While WarmSculpting with SculpSure is quick and painless, it takes time for your chin to get rid of those destroyed fat cells. You should start to see an improvement in your profile about six weeks after your body contouring session, and then get maximum results at about 12 weeks.

We may recommend a series of treatments to help you reach your aesthetic goals, followed by touch-up treatments as needed. But once those submental fat cells are gone, they won’t come back. We do, however, recommend that you continue to follow the same healthy diet and exercise program that helped you lose the weight to maintain your results.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your double chin, contact the Institute for Health Management Aesthetics today. Call us at 707-762-0001, send us a message here on our website, or request an appointment conveniently online.


Individual results may vary


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