Lost Weight But Still Have a Muffin Top? Learn How SculpSure® Can Help

You’ve done the hard work and you’re at or near your goal in terms of weight. Yet you’re still battling stubborn pockets of fat that seem to mock all of your efforts. Losing weight is tough under any circumstances, and it’s made more frustrating because you can’t target your weight loss — your body loses the fat where it wants to and sometimes that isn’t according to your plan.

At the Institute for Health Management Aesthetics, Dr. David Chappell understands your frustration, which is why he’s equipped our practice with the latest body sculpting technology that targets troublesome fat deposits. Called SculpSure, this revolutionary laser technology is helping our patients in Petaluma, California, close the gap to their perfect bodies.

So if you’ve lost weight, and you still have a muffin top or any other stubborn area of excess fat, read on to see how our SculpSure technology can help you reap the rewards of your weight loss efforts.

The science of fat

To understand how our SculpSure laser technology works, it’s helpful to take a look at how your fat works. After your teenage years, you generally carry the same number of fat cells throughout your adult life. As you gain or lose weight, your existing fat cells increase or decrease in size, not in number.

Another behavior of fat that influences your body shape is that when you embark on a weight loss plan, you can’t target where you lose weight — your body does the choosing for you and bodies are wired differently. For example, women are more apt to hold onto fat around their abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, while men tend to hold weight around their midsections only.

Genetics also play a role, and if your family tends to have larger buttocks and thighs, the odds are that you may have inherited these same characteristics.

Taken together, these factors greatly impact where you lose weight. While diet and exercise are always the best ways to lose weight, we can help you target certain areas with our SculpSure body-sculpting system.

Taking shape

With SculpSure, we can zero in on the exact area where you want to reduce fat, including your muffin top. During the 25-minute treatment session, we hook you up the SculpSure equipment, which delivers laser energy into your fat without harming the surface area of your skin. In fact, many of our patients use this time to catch up on emails and texts as they find the procedure completely relaxing.

The laser energy heats up and destroys the fat cells beneath the surface, at which point your body takes over and begins flushing them out through your lymphatic system. Using SculpSure, we can reduce the fat cells in your muffin top by as much as 24%, and the cells don’t regenerate.

Ultimately, SculpSure is the perfect tool to contour your body in your trouble spots, giving you the last push you need to get to your ideal body shape.

The final reveal

Depending upon the size of the area you want to treat, you should count on one to three SculpSure treatments, which we space apart by four to six weeks to allow time for your body to flush out the destroyed fat cells and reshape itself. In six to 12 weeks after your final session, you should realize your optimal results.

A side benefit of the SculpSure treatments is that the laser energy also stimulates your collagen production, which helps your skin reshape itself more firmly and evenly over your newly-reduced figure.

If you’d like to explore how SculpSure can target your muffin top and other stubborn pockets of fat, please give us a call or use the online scheduling tool on this website to request an appointment.


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